
Twin Jack Roped Hydro Elevators

This design utilizes wire ropes in conjunction with two hydraulic jacks to lift the car at a 1:2 ratio. For every foot that the jacks rise, the car rises two feet. The use of two jacks, one on each side of the car, provides maximum structural stability.


  • No jack hole is required and with that there is no risk of oil contamination in the ground.
  • Accommodates front and rear openings in any configuration.
  • Available for both low and high capacity cars.
  • No extensive pit or overhead is required.
  • Large platform designs and high capacity projects can be accommodated.


  • Requires a wider hoistway for the jacks and roped equipment.
  • The installation time is greater than that of an ln-Ground application.

Passenger Twin Jack Roped Elevator Diagram:

Single Opening (F)

Double Opening (F/R)

Freight Twin Jack Roped Elevator Diagram:

Single Opening (F)

Double Opening (F/R)